Innovative didactics in dancers' musical training, dance teaching and in higher and secondary education
Bólya, Anna Mária (eds.) ; Windhager, Ákos (eds.)
Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Teaching Methodology. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2021) ISBN: 9786156192714
Pónyai, Györgyi ; Lévai, Péter ; Bólya, Anna Mária
Aurora 3-4 learning material: Ballet life in Hungary in the turn of the century. Ballet life in Hungary during the period of Miklós Guerra (Nicola Guerra); Guerra's artistic and pedagogical achievements. 15 p. (2020)
Pónyai, Györgyi ; Bólya, Anna Mária ; Kővágó, Zsuzsa
Aurora 1-2 learning material: Ballet life in Hungary in the age of romanticism; the first significant personalities of Hungarian ballet life: Frigyes Campilli and Emília Aranyváry. 29 p. (2020)
Kővágó, Zsuzsa ; Bólya Anna Mária
Hungarian folk dance history text collection - teaching material for the teachers and students of Hungarian Dance University. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Dance University (2020)
ISBN: 9786155852213
Bólya, Anna Mária
Interdisciplinary researches on dance. Teaching material for dance students. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Dance University (2018), 72 p. ISBN: 9786155852022
Bólya, Anna Mária ; Sonja, Zdravkova-Djeparoska (eds.)
Hungarian Dance University (HDU) - History and Structure pp. 1-10. (2017) Country: R. N. Macedonia.
Bólya, Anna Mária ; Risteski, Ljupco (eds.)
The role of the Department of Ethnography (University of Debrecen, Hungary) in Hungary and in Southeast Europe p. 1 Paper: 1, 10 p. (2017) Country: R. N. Macedonia.
Bólya, Anna Mária
The Hungarian Dance Academy, Art Education for Sustainable Development. In: Lambrechts, Wim European study visit
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium (2011)
Other URL
Bólya, Anna Mária
Music theory, music history subject III.: Learning material pp. 1-25. (2013)
For HDU students.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Music theory, music history subject I.: Learning material pp. 1-38. (2013)
For HDU students.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Dance education in Hungary at primary, secondary and higher levels pp. 1-50. Hungarian Dance University (2003)
Bólya, Anna Mária ; Gilányi, Attila ; Dani, Erzsébet ; Györffy, Agnes
An innovative approach to higher education activities: The possibilities and role of coaching during the work of dance teachers, effectively helping the learning process of students. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhager, Ákos (eds.) Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Methodology. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2021) pp. 51-63.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Music course contents - harmony between theory and practice. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhager, Ákos (eds.) Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Methodology. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of ArtTheory and Methodology (2021) pp. 45-47. , 3 p.m.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Content issues of dance history education. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhager, Ákos (eds.) Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Methodology. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2021) pp. 33-44.
Dani, Erzsébet ; Bólya, Anna Mária
Education for today's generations: Implementation projects of the HY-DE model that treats hyperattention with the curriculum of the Hungarian dance tradition. In: Bihari, Éva Nagy (eds.) Dance - curriculum - method: Methodological notes.
Debrecen, Hungary : University of Debrecen, Department of Ethnography (2022) pp. 34.-50.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Historical aspects of different dance vocabularies. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhager, Ákos (eds.) Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Methodology
Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of ArtTheory and Methodology (2021) pp. 11-22.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Books that can be used for teaching modern ballroom dancing. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhager, Ákos (eds.) Dance and Method: Researches in Dance Methodology. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2021) pp. 89-89.
Bólya, Anna Mária ; Pónyai, Györgyi ; Dani, Erzsébet
AranyVáRy project: Dance history and virtual reality. In: Windhager, Ákos; Bólya, Anna Mária (eds.) On the threshold of time: The history of Hungarian ballet
Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of ArtTheory and Methodology (2021) pp. 23-32.
Dani, Erzsébet ; Bólya, Anna Mária
Application of the HY-DE model to dance history curriculum. In: Bólya, Anna Mária; Windhger, Ákos Hungarian Full Play - The modern Hungarian all-art performance. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2021) pp. 193-214.
Bólya, Anna Mária ; Gilányi, Attila ; Rácz, Anna
Dance history and virtual reality. In: Bólya, Anna Mária (eds.) Auróra – The birth of Hungarian ballet: 40 years of Frigyes Campilli in Hungary The first Hungarian prima ballerina and choreographer – Emília Aranyváry. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology (2020) pp. 143-151.
Gilányi, Attila ; Rácz, Anna ; Bólya, Anna Maria ; Decsei, János ; Chmielewska, Katarzyna
The Presentation Room in the Virtual Building of the First National Theater of Hungary. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (eds.) 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2020). New York City, United States of America : IEEE (2020) pp. 517-523.
Gilányi, Attila ; Rácz, Anna ; Bólya, Anna Mária ; Decsei, János ; Chmielewska, Katarzyna Virtual spaces connected to the first National Theater of Hungary
In: The 1st Conference on Information Technology and Data Science
(2020) pp. 73-75.
Rácz, Anna ; Gilányi, Attila ; Bólya, Anna Maria ; Decsei, János ; Chmielewska, Katarzyna
On a Model of the First National Theater of Hungary in MaxWhere
In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (eds.) 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom 2020)
New York City, United States of America : IEEE (2020) pp. 573-574.
Gilányi, Attila ; Rácz, Anna ; Bólya, Anna Maria ; Chmielewska, Katarzyna
Early History of Hungarian Ballet in Virtual Reality. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (eds.) 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, (CogInfoCom 2019)
Piscataway (NJ), United States of America : IEEE (2019) pp. 193-198.
Rácz, Anna ; Gilányi, Attila ; Bólya, Anna Maria ; Chmielewska, Katarzyna
A Virtual Exhibition on the History of Hungarian Ballet. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (eds.) 10th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, (CogInfoCom 2019) Piscataway (NJ), United States of America : IEEE (2019) pp. 431-432.
Lanszki, Anita ; Bólya, Anna Mária
E-Dance History: The learning support effect of online tools in the English language teaching of the MTE dance history subject. In: Bolvári-Takács, G; Németh, András; Perger, Gábor (eds.) Dance art and intellectuality: VI. International Dance Science Conference at the Hungarian University of Dance November 17-18, 2017. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Dance University (2018) 260 p pp. 178-184.
Lanszki, Anita ; Bólya, Anna Mária
Learning support frameworks in the service of theoretical education of dance artist training: comparison of two types of LMS. In: Hülber, László; Buda, András; Ollé, János (eds.) Education-Informatics-Pedagogy conference 2018 : conference abstract volume Debrecen, Hungary : University of Debrecen (2018)
Bólya, Anna Mária
Musical Education at the Hungarian Dance University (HDU). Theory and Practice. In: Соња, Маринковић; Sanda, Dodik; Ана, Петров (eds.) Tradition as Inspiration. Бања Лука, Bosna i Hercegovina : University of Banja Luka, Academy of Arts (2014) pp. 660-670.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Macedonian Language, Culture and Folklore at the Lectorate for Macedonian Language at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary. In: Urkom, Aleksander (eds.) Budapest International Conference of Young Slavists II. = 2nd Conference for Young Slavists in Budapest Bp, Hungary : Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Arts Slavic and Baltic Philology Institute (2014) pp. 17-19.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Teaching rhythmical exercises and musical interpretation at the Hungarian Dance University. In: Bolvári; Fugedi, J; Mizerák, K; Németh, A (eds.) Culture – value – change in dance art, dance pedagogy and dance research. : III. International Dance Science Conference at the Hungarian Dance University. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Dance (2013) pp. 38-40.
Bólya, Anna Mária
The importance of the Balkan Tanchaz movement in Hungary; past, present and future. In: Bolvári-Takács, G; Fügedi, J; Mizerák, K; Németh, A (eds.) The metamorphosis of traditional dance culture in the 20th century: Scientific symposium at the Hungarian Academy of Dance. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Academy of Dance (2012) pp. 45-52.
Bólya, Anna Mária
Development of important skills in dance teachers' training: Rhythmic accuracy and interpreting music in dance. In: Bolvári-Takács, G; Fügedi, J; Major, R; Mizerák, K; Németh, A (eds.) Perspectives in the new millennium in dance art, dance pedagogy and dance research: II. Dance Science Conference at the Hungarian Dance University 2009. Bp, Hungary : Hungarian Dance University (2011) pp. 152-156.
Dani, Erzsébet ; Bólya, Anna Mária
The implementation of the dance history curriculum based on the HY-DE method CULTURAL STUDIES REVIEW 2 : 84-100. (2020)
Bólya, Anna Mária
Aspects of sustainability in higher education. TENDER PAVILION : 1 pp. 14-15. , 2 p. (2013)
Bólya, Anna Mária
Academy of Music, Dance and Visual Arts, Plovdiv. Structure and education. DANCE SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS 2 : 1 pp. 84-90. , 7 p.m. (2010)
Bólya, Anna Mária
The involvement of two departments of the Hungarian Dance University in the CEEPUS tender program DANCE SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS 1 : 1 pp. 67-69. (2009)