Analysing the impact of masked and disguised rituals on contemporary society, with a focus on folk belief elementss


Bólya, Anna Mária

Travels of Dionysus. Pre-Christian elements in the winter masked feasts of the Macedonian and Slovak tradition. In: Liszka, József (eds.) Yearbook of the Ethnological Center, Komárom, Hungary, Šamorín, Slovakia : Fórum institut pre ryvák mensín (2017) pp. 55-72.

Bólya, Anna Mária

Dionysos in Europe: Characteristics of masked rituals in Macedonia, with a special focus on music and dance, parallels with European customs. In: Маринковић, Соња; Dodik, Sanda; Панић, Кашански Драгица (eds.) Владо С. Милошевић ethnomusicologist, composer and teacher : Tradition as inspiration. Бања Лука, Bosna i Hercegovina : University of Banja Luka, Academy of Arts (2016) 406-416.


Bólya, Anna Mária

New forms of tradition? REVIEW OF CULTURAL SCIENCES 3 : 3 pp. 75.-80. (2021)

Bólya, Anna Mária

The heritage of Dionysus: The relations between the Balkan masked customs and the English mummer's play as the predecessor of the English masque genre DANCE SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS 9 : 1 pp. 11-24. , 13 p. (2017)

Bólya, Anna Mária

Two Ritual Dances in the Macedonian Folklore: The Dance of the Winter Masked Play Djolomarsko oro and the Epiphany Oro of the New Saint John's Brothers – Connection to the Layers of Folk Belief System. In: Stojkova, Serafimovska Velika (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe. Ljubljana, Slovenia : International Council for Traditional Music (2017) pp. 126-136.

Bólya, Anna Mária

Travels of Dionysos : Traces of the Dionysian Cult in Dramatic Games in Macedonian and Hungarian Folklore. ARS ACADEMICA: MEDUNARODNO NAUCNO SPISANIE ZA IZVEDUVACKI UMETNOSTI 1 : 1 pp. 90-101. (2014)

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